Individual Health Insurance Plan

As one of the most essential investments you can make for both yourself and your family, health insurance should be your top priority. By increasing quality-of-life improvements and mitigating major illnesses through health coverage, health insurance can enhance life overall while protecting against major illnesses altogether. While group or employer plans might offer health coverage …

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How to Choose a Health Insurance Plan During Open Enrollment

Finding and selecting an insurance plan may seem like a difficult endeavor during open enrollment season, often between November and December depending on your state and employer policies. However, selecting one should not be seen as daunting open enrollment allows people to enroll or change their health coverage without incurring penalties from insurers for doing so. Why does …

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What is the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and How Does It Affect You?

The Affordable Care Act, more widely known as Obamacare, was an ambitious healthcare reform law passed by Congress and signed into effect by President Barack Obama in 2010. The ACA sought to extend health coverage to millions of uninsured Americans while simultaneously lowering healthcare costs, improving outcomes, protecting consumer rights and choices, and expanding coverage simultaneously for different groups …

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How to Find the Best Health Insurance Plan for You

Health insurance can be one of the best investments you make for both yourself and your family, providing protection from both high medical expenses as well as unexpected health conditions that might crop up later. Unfortunately, choosing an ideal plan may prove more complex than anticipated due to all its options and considerations. Step-by-step strategies …

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What are the Benefits of Health Insurance for Women?

Health insurance can be one of the best investments you make for both yourself and your family, protecting you from unexpected medical costs while offering quality healthcare and providing peace of mind. But did you know health insurance can also provide special advantages for women? Women tend to face unique health needs and risks, often making …

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How to Claim Health Insurance: A Step-by-Step Guide

Health insurance can be one of the best investments you make for both yourself and your family, helping cover medical costs resulting from illness, injury, or accident as well as providing financial security when the unexpected strikes. Just having health insurance policies isn’t enough to maximize their potential benefits you also must know how to …

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The impact of COVID-19 on health insurance

The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most unprecedented and devasting events ever witnessed by humanity in modern history, impacting billions around the globe with over 40 million cases reported and 730,000 deaths as of August 2023 in America alone. Additionally, its magnitude and significance have had profound ramifications on America’s healthcare insurance industry …

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Myths and Misconceptions about Health Insurance

Health insurance is one of the most crucial financial products that can protect both you and your family against unexpected medical costs, yet many individuals harbor misconceptions about its operation, coverage, and costs often leading to confusion, frustration, and disappointment when you need medical treatment most urgently. In this blog post, we’ll dispel some of …

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Family Floater Health Insurance Plan

Are you seeking ways to protect your family against unexpected medical costs caused by sickness, injury, or an accident? Do you wish to ensure they receive optimal healthcare without impacting their lifestyle or savings? Then purchasing a family floater health insurance plan might be right up your alley. “Family floater policies” provide health coverage to each …

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